News: Thinking about art school? Think again.

Thinking about art school? Think again.

I am not trying to ruin anyones hopes and dreams...BUT...

Look, say you go to Graduate school in fine art.  You graduate 3 years later, $100,000 in dept.  You go into a workforce which is so over saturated, you can't get a job making copies at kinkos.

Maybe some schools help students get jobs.  Where I went at The San Francisco Academy Of Art University, the administration of my department actually were counterproductive to helping students be workforce ready/ marketable art makers.

In short, I am the bottom of the rung of graduated MFAs you are competing with when you graduate.  Unless your dad is Donald Trump, forget majoring in art for grad school.

I am going to post links to places to learn about art from real masters (not chumps who art schools claim are art professionals).  Look at the list, and pick from there.

Or, don't take my advice, go to grad school for art, and call me in 3-4 years, we can compare notes.  I won't say I told you so.

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1 Comment

The San Francisco Academy Of Art University's sculpture department just fired the only redeeming quality they had. They just fired Erik Blome over email, with no notice.
Erik was the only reason I have held my tongue about what a ripoff The Academy of Art is.
If you are looking to go to art school is sculpture DO NOT GO TO THE ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY.
I would rather destroy the reputation of that department, then to have people think I am a product of it (which I am not). Now, if you ignore my advice on THIS, I will say I told you so.

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